My 43 Greatest Lessons in Life & Business

I would like to share with you the 43 greatest lessons that I have learnt in life and business. Enjoy it and hope you will learn one or two ...

I would like to share with you the 43 greatest lessons that I have learnt in life and business. Enjoy it and hope you will learn one or two things

1. Have a strong faith and put God first in everything you do because if God did not build the house those who labour, labour in vain.
2. Clarify and know what you want from life. This gives you something to aim for. If you know what you want you have already won 75% of the battle.
3. Set goals because goals are dreams with deadlines. Goals are as essential to success as air is to life. No one ever stumbles into success without a goal; no one ever lives without air. Have your goals written on paper and start small.
4. Plan, plan and plan. You’ve got to have a plan. A plan is a map, a guide, a target, a focus, a route, a signpost, a direction, a path and a strategy, because those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
5. If the three most important words in Real Estate are Location! Location! Location! The three most important words that will take you to the top are, YOU! YOU!! YOU!!! You must believe in yourself. Most people fail not because they lack the skills or talent to reach their goals but simply because they don’t believe they can reach it.
6. The secret to your dream and success doesn't lie in the specifics; it lies in your willingness to take Action. Action is the key to learning, to living, and to accomplishment so take action. Action is what separates the doers from dreamers and the talkers from the walkers.
7. Do not allow the fear of failure to stop you from achieving your dreams and Never, ever give up on your dreams and goals
8. When setbacks or tragedies happen see them as opportunities for growth because success thrives on adversity. As the saying goes, "A calm sea does not make a skilled sailor."
9. Do not procrastinate because it is better to try and fail, than fail to try and an ineffective plan executed today is better than a perfect plan delayed till next year.
10. Have an affirmation or self talk that you read daily.
11. Have a journal where you record your dreams, goals and accomplishments.
12. Use the first hour when you wake up in the morning as your golden hour where you shape up or develop yourself spiritually, physically and mentally.
13. Try and develop different Skills and have multiple streams of income.
14. Read a minimum of six books a year because the more you learn the more you earn.
15. Develop your communication and leadership skills to give you a competitive edge. I joined Toastmasters International to develop mine and it has benefited me immensely. I came across a copy of an article that referred to some research by the Carnegie Institute. The message from the research is that 85% of your success is the result of your ability to effectively communicate with yourself and others.
16. Do not make a decision base on emotions and what people might think or say, make your decision based on facts and information at your disposal. Before you take a decision pause, think again then decide
17. It is important that you set out time alone to think clearly and creatively about how you can be better personally and professionally. I called this ‘Personal Alone Time’ (PAT). With this you will become a strategic thinker and planner. Schedule in a least two hours a week.
18. Don’t spend more than what you earn.
19. Have a business plan before you start a business.
20. In these days, for you to survive in business you have do think and do things differently from others.
21. Before going into business with anyone or seeking investors for your business always have everything written down on paper and signed.
22. In every business you must start with the philosophy of being customer lead but sales driven.
23. Before you go into any business, a product, service or an invention, think whether the customer would really like it. Would they buy it, what are their interests and most importantly, what is in it for them?
24. To established priority for your work it is useful to look at two concepts: urgent & important. A task is URGENT if it must be done today to have any value and a task is IMPORTANT if it has a high value. Caution: Avoid categorising all your tasks as important or you will need to attend a stress management course in the near future.
25. Time management is life management. If you cannot manage your time there is no way you will be able to manage your life.
26. Success leaves clue – Look for those who have done what you want to do. Simply identify a mentor and be coachable.
27. In business you must have and know your unique selling point. This is what sets a business apart from the competitor.
28. The first factor to consider before making a lifetime commitment is to make a background check on the person, especially regarding what beliefs s/he holds dear. It is imperative to know that relationships last longer when both partners share basic beliefs in such matters as religion, money, sex, parenting and social values.
29. Open your two eyes before you marry and when you are in it close one eye
30. Try to strike a balance between work and family and spend quality time with them.
31. If you are married be proud of your spouse and take them out to important events or gatherings. I have found that nothing complements and balances up a person’s life like the beauty of having a good companion.
32. Take your health seriously and go for a medical check up once a year.
33. The way you are dressed is the way you are addressed (referred to). Always dress appropriately.
34. The level of success you have depends on the level of risk you can take. Take calculated risks.
35. Be careful with who you associate and hang out with. The people you associate with on a daily basis will largely determine your success or failure in life.
36. Surround yourself with positive people who push you and make you better. Positive people who are going where you are going or those who are already where you want to be.
37. It is not what people think of you that really matters but whom you are.
38. Trying to prove something to someone is never a valid reason for doing something. Be yourself and do not try to be someone else.
39. Take photographs of your best moments, with this you will capture tomorrow’s memories today.
40. Forget bigger and better and richer and thinner. The key is to appreciate what we’ve got right now and yet still dream and plan. That way you’ll be happier now rather than constantly looking to the future, where happiness apparently lies.
41. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, hence find time for fun or play.
42. Have a good night rest. The greatest cure for stress is good sleep. Sleep for a minimum of 6 hours.
43. Live a life of happiness, fulfilment, meaningful and purpose jam-packed with adventure and reward and work towards leaving a good legacy behind.

Dayo Olomu
The UK’s leading Motivational Coach, Facilitator & Talk Show Host



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Dayo Olomu: My 43 Greatest Lessons in Life & Business
My 43 Greatest Lessons in Life & Business
Dayo Olomu
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