I Believe: 1. That FAITH in God is the most important thing in life; 2. That having a healthy FAMILY life is very important because famil...

1. That FAITH in God is the most important thing in life;
2. That having a healthy FAMILY life is very important because family is the bedrock of the society; 3. That FITNESS is a strong measure of health and can lead to an improved quality of life and reduces my risk of disease. It is important to be healthy, physically, intellectually and emotionally;
4. That FINANCE is key and it's important to generate income to sustain my lifestyle and also to be a good and faithful steward of the financial resources God has placed at my disposal;
5. That I should FOCUS on my dreams, goals, vision and what is most important to me in life and minimise distractions;
6. That FRIENDSHIP is the greatest support system in the world because no one is an island sufficient to themselves. That I have to build relationships with others because our lives are interconnected, our world is a complex network of relationships and collaborative effort is the core of our heritage;
7. That I should FULFIL my purpose, run a good race and finish well, live my life on purpose with balance and leave this world a better place than I found it.